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On the quality certification of the Evolution2 training center! ✅ 🏆

In September 2020, the Pro Outdoor Academy, Evolution2 training center, obtained Qualiopi certification.

We tell you more about what is behind this word, and the concrete consequences for our interns!

(and to discover the training offers of the Pro Outdoor Academy, it's here)

Conquering the Holy Grail: Qualiopi 🏆

Conquering the Holy Grail: Qualiopi 🏆

This summer, the Pro Outdoor Academy is in the race for Qualiopi quality certification. This certification is only awarded by the ICPF (Certification Institute for Training Professionals) to training centers that meet 7 major quality criteria required by the State... themselves divided into 32 indicators

The criteria are multiple: adaptation of the educational objectives to the public, individualization of the courses, professional qualification of the speakers, taking into account the feedback of the trainees, etc. We even had to count their blood type, their place of birth, the brand of their favorite clothes, everything happened! No... We're teasing you! We didn't go that far but we still had to show our credentials 🐾.

The audit took place at the Campus of the Pro Outdoor Academy in the presence of an auditor 👨‍⚖️ from the ICPF and Édouard, Manager of the training center. This long-term work by our educational team bore fruit on September 18, the official date of our obtaining Qualiopi certification. And here is a picture of our greatest pride 🏆

Understanding certification 🧠

Understanding certification 🧠

Qualiopi certification (also 'quality mark', 'quality standard', 'quality label') has been a benchmark quality guarantee since 2018. Its objective: to improve the transparency of the training offer and promote the quality of training actions. at national scale.

To put it simply, it is somewhat the equivalent for us - the training organizations - of a driver's license for a motorist, a passport for a traveler, a building permit for a house.. In addition to opening the door to new public funding, this certification informs trainees, partners and funders that our training process complies with the requirements of the National Quality Framework (unique national framework of quality criteria dedicated to training) .

As of January 1, 2022, this certification will be mandatory to access public funding for a training offer. By obtaining it, we allow our trainees to benefit from funding for their training projects throughout their professional career at Evolution2. 🌻😊

What will this actually change ?

What will this actually change ?

For us, it is above all the recognition of our know-how and our expertise (more than 30 years of experience in the outdoor environment with Evolution2!). We are now entering the yard of the Great Training Organizations ✨ and we still have lots of great things to prove. 💡

This approach also gives more visibility to our training. By obtaining certification, we become referenced in the training catalogs of the various organizations that allocate funding: Pole Emploi, the CPF platform, CARIF-OREF, FIF PL, and more. These organizations now offer our training to profiles wishing to train in one of our outdoor professions.

For you, trainee or future trainee, partner or future partner, this is the guarantee of the quality of the training actions that we deliver. It is also the gateway to financing your training. 💸

How long is it valid?

How long is it valid?

The Qualiopi quality mark is recognized for a period of 3 years. But as at the Pro Outdoor Academy we do not do things by halves, and we obtained the quality mark well before the deadline imposed by the State of January 1, 2022, it is valid for 4 years for us. 🎉 We will be subject to a so-called "monitoring 👮‍♀️" audit halfway through our certification and then a renewal audit every 3 years.

We are happy today to promote our know-how through this certification and to highlight it to all our partners, our trainees and future nuggets. 🏅

>> With such a guarantee of quality, don't hesitate any longer and find all our training courses for outdoor professions on our training page:

See you soon!

The Pro Outdoor Academy team ⛰

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