Beautiful weather, great snow, peaceful slopes... It's spring skiing time! Until the end of April, take advantage of our offers on ski lessons. Depending on the destination, limited availability.

We've always heard people around us say "yes, but snowboarding hurts". Well, not necessarily! Snowboarding is one of the world's most popular winter sports. If snowboarding were any more traumatic than skiing, the sport would have stopped a long time ago. Snowboarding remains a sport. And like all sports, it requires a little preparation before getting started. Take soccer players, for example: they don't go out onto the pitch cold. They've prepared their bodies to take the strain. Snowboarding may seem less physical than a soccer match, so you might think it's just another way of getting around the slopes, but you'd be wrong! 

🤟A few tips to help you have fun snowboarding🏂

Unlike traditional skiing, where you stand on two separate boards facing the slope, snowboarding involves having both feet on a single board and sliding across the slope. This position may seem counterintuitive at first, and requires balance and specific coordination. A wide range of factors have to be taken into account during your descents, involving the use of different muscle groups and the recruitment of different energy sources. For this system to function properly, you need to wake it up to respond optimally. The result will surely be your first back-side and front-side turns, or your first 540 back mute. It's worth noting that beginners are advised to take lessons to help them learn the basic movements.

Enough blathering, let's get down to the warm-up. The following protocol is performed from head to toe, but you can adapt it according to the order you wish, or if other movements seem more relevant to you. We don't claim to be the best warm-up experts. It's just the routine of instructors who've been riding for years and for whom it works.

Start with the upper body💪

Start with the upper body💪

Let's start with the head! 

We're going to warm up the cervical vertebrae, which can be put under a lot of strain during a fall, since your cervical vertebrae act as protection for your head and neck. We're going to rotate your head in an hourly direction, then in a half-hourly direction. You don't want to get a stiff neck. You can then follow up with "no" and "yes" movements with your head. Do 20 repetitions per movement.


This joint is at the base of your arm. They're the ones that will take your falls on your arms. We're going to rotate them with great amplitude, to awaken all the shoulder stabilizing muscles. Rotate clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Do 20 repetitions per direction of rotation and per shoulder.

Full body

Full body


The infamous, unforgiving edge injury... But don't worry, it's a fragile joint made up of dozens of tiny bones. To prevent this, we rotate our wrists clockwise and counter-clockwise. Repeat 20 times in each direction. We then glue the palms of our hands together, and draw 8s with our wrists. Same 20 repetitions in both directions.

The body : 

An essential part of our body, this is where it all starts. We're going to wake up our abdominal muscles, and especially the obliques. This will enable us to keep our sheathing in place as we link turns, or to manage perfectly the counter-rotations generated by certain imbalances or figures. We'll then rotate the shoulders while remaining sheathed and avoiding rotation of the hips. The aim is to dissociate the upper and lower body, keeping the arms straight. Do 30 repetitions.

The pelvis: 

Like the trunk, the pelvis is a part of the body that transfers power between the upper and lower limbs. In snowboarding, the pelvis enables us to be on the front and back edges. It determines the position of our center of gravity. Ensuring good pelvic mobility is essential to enjoy snowboarding. We're going to make movements as if we were doing a Hula Hoop, drawing large circles with our pelvis, clockwise and counter-clockwise. As for the rest, 10 repetitions per direction. You can then do a succession of anteversions and retroversions of the pelvis. In simpler language, the buttocks are pulled in and out. 10 repetitions.

And then the lower body 🦵

And then the lower body 🦵

Lower limbs: 

Oh no! We're not going to turn our knees to warm up. We're going to wake up the muscles and joints of the hips by doing squats as deep as possible. This will give us full amplitude in the posterior and anterior chains. But it will also awaken tendons and joints in the knees and hips. Here, you'll perform 10 squats at slow speed. The squat simulates your snowboard turn sequences. In the end, doing turns is like doing squats over and over again.

That's it, you're warmed up! But not so fast! On your first runs, take your time and don't rush things, take time to focus on technique by riding green and blue runs. 

Ride well, and we'll be in touch soon with new tutorials.

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